
New Life in Christ: What Really Happens When You're Born Again and Why It Matters is unavailable, but you can change that!

The single most important event in a person's life is the new birth. Yet, this is also one of the most neglected doctrines in the church. Many Christians would be hard-pressed to describe exactly what the new birth is, let alone what it means to the rest of their walk with God. What happens when we are born again? Does everything in our lives change immediately? Is it just a kind of spiritual...

John further identifies those who receive Jesus Christ as “those who believe in His name” (v. 12). In other words, receiving Christ is the same as believing in Him. To “believe” in Jesus means more than merely knowing some intellectual facts about Him or simply acknowledging who He is and what He came to do. To believe in Him includes far more than feeling emotions about Jesus, being deeply convicted of your sin, and even being persuaded of your desperate need for Him. Believing
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